Monday, March 31, 2014

Initial findings on self-directed learning proj.

When first downloading the SMART Notebook software you are given the option to download multiple features that the software offers. One of the most interesting things I noticed was that you are given the option to choose any language you would like to use the software with. I felt that this could be very useful for ELL students, especially with the influx of people from Korea. I also think it’s really great that the software offers tutorials for every aspect of its programming. Learning how to use the software seems to be easy. The gallery essentials, toolkits, and lesson activities that come with the software are all resourceful, and also the fact that you can insert and save outside resources or data is helpful. It seems to be a great teaching aid. I guess what I would want to learn now is how to really apply the software in the classroom, and how to be creative in doing so.

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