Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Teacher-Parent Communication

It is my belief that the level of communication between the teacher and the parents should be consistent and effective. One of the forms of communication I would use to interact with my student’s parents would definitely be an informative classroom webpage. On this webpage, parents would find weekly homework assignments, classroom projects, information about field trips, forms and documents (in case students misplace the forms/documents sent home in their daily folders), and school-wide announcements.  There would also be a contact section for parents to leave comments and/or send emails. This webpage would be used to inform parents collectively. I have also found the GroupMe app to be very helpful with providing information to groups of people. This is also another way I could inform parents not only collectively, but also instantly. On an individual basis, I would call parents, and conduct parent-teacher conferences when necessary. I am quite fond of text messaging so allowing the parents to contact me throughout the day via text message may also be a good idea.   

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