Monday, March 24, 2014

Implementing Assessments

1.      Teacher-made test- This type of assessment would be efficient for my lesson because we will complete several learning activities that illustrate the story of Ruby Bridges, and formulating this test myself will allow me to determine whether the students learned the key facts. I feel that this type test is more effective than a standardized test because the instructor knows what specific information he/she is assessing, as well as what students really needed to learn. This test will also allow me to evaluate how effective my lesson was, and what I need to do differently. This assessment will be implemented at the conclusion of the lesson.

2.      Observation/conferences- These types of assessments will occur naturally during my lesson because there is a lot of peer interaction. Jotting down notes as I observe the students will lead to the things we discuss during group and individual conferences. Observing the students’ behavior, as they watch the movie will also guide the individual conferences, addressing issues that may occur such as students falling asleep, chatting, or playing during the movie. These types of assessments will be implementing throughout the entire lesson.

3.       Portfolio- This type of assessment would be efficient for my lesson because we will complete several writing activities that could be assessed to determine the effectiveness of the lesson along with the students’ learning progress. Before completing several of the shared interaction activities using technology students will complete worksheets that will go in their portfolios. For example before completing the sequence of events chart using the SMARTnotebook software students will complete a sequence of events worksheet independently to prepare them for the class activity. I will collect data for the portfolios throughout the entire lesson. 

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