Monday, March 31, 2014

Initial findings on self-directed learning proj.

When first downloading the SMART Notebook software you are given the option to download multiple features that the software offers. One of the most interesting things I noticed was that you are given the option to choose any language you would like to use the software with. I felt that this could be very useful for ELL students, especially with the influx of people from Korea. I also think it’s really great that the software offers tutorials for every aspect of its programming. Learning how to use the software seems to be easy. The gallery essentials, toolkits, and lesson activities that come with the software are all resourceful, and also the fact that you can insert and save outside resources or data is helpful. It seems to be a great teaching aid. I guess what I would want to learn now is how to really apply the software in the classroom, and how to be creative in doing so.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Implementing Assessments

1.      Teacher-made test- This type of assessment would be efficient for my lesson because we will complete several learning activities that illustrate the story of Ruby Bridges, and formulating this test myself will allow me to determine whether the students learned the key facts. I feel that this type test is more effective than a standardized test because the instructor knows what specific information he/she is assessing, as well as what students really needed to learn. This test will also allow me to evaluate how effective my lesson was, and what I need to do differently. This assessment will be implemented at the conclusion of the lesson.

2.      Observation/conferences- These types of assessments will occur naturally during my lesson because there is a lot of peer interaction. Jotting down notes as I observe the students will lead to the things we discuss during group and individual conferences. Observing the students’ behavior, as they watch the movie will also guide the individual conferences, addressing issues that may occur such as students falling asleep, chatting, or playing during the movie. These types of assessments will be implementing throughout the entire lesson.

3.       Portfolio- This type of assessment would be efficient for my lesson because we will complete several writing activities that could be assessed to determine the effectiveness of the lesson along with the students’ learning progress. Before completing several of the shared interaction activities using technology students will complete worksheets that will go in their portfolios. For example before completing the sequence of events chart using the SMARTnotebook software students will complete a sequence of events worksheet independently to prepare them for the class activity. I will collect data for the portfolios throughout the entire lesson. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Milestone 3 Integrated Lesson

Tool #1: The Ruby Bridges Movie
·         Before the lesson: Watch the movie myself. Make a guided questions worksheet for the students.
·         During the lesson: Instruct students to complete the guided questions worksheet as they watch the movie.
·         After the lesson: Check the guided questions worksheet. Test student’s knowledge of the movie through a traditional exam.
Tool #2: MyScript Memo app
·         Before the lesson: Learn about or test the app. Maneuver through the different features of the app with the students.
·         During the lesson: Instruct the student’s to take their own notes during the movie to have for other assignments.
·         After the lesson: Review the notes the students took using the app.
Tool #3: The Feelings Game
·         Before the lesson: Play the game myself. Create a tally sheet or score card to keep up with the number of right and wrong answers students got on the first try. Discuss the meaning of the game’s featured feelings with the student’s to be sure all students understand.
·         During the lesson: Provide students with directions to get to the website. Assist them with making choices by providing them with scenarios/examples to help guide them in making the right decision.
·         After the lesson: Review the score cards.

Tool #4: SMARTnotebook software
·         Before the lesson: Explore the software and gather/choose specific features or tools to use. Explain/Demonstrate how the features or tools will be used.
·         During the lesson: Allow students or myself to use the tools or features.
·         After the lesson: Reflect on how well, or not, the selected tools or features worked during the lesson, as well as how well the students enjoyed the tools or features.
Tool #5: Inspiration software
·         Before the lesson: Explore the software and gather/choose specific features or tools to use. Explain/Demonstrate how the features or tools will be used.
·         During the lesson: Allow students or myself to use the tools or features.
·         After the lesson: Reflect on how well, or not, the selected tools or features worked during the lesson, as well as how well the students enjoyed the tools or features.