Monday, February 17, 2014

Milestone Integrated Lesson 2

1.              The lesson that I have chosen to alter is a lesson about the little African-American girl, Ruby Bridges, who made history by making a brave decision to continue attending an all-white school regardless of the opposition she faced daily. During this lesson students will work on comprehension skills, vocabulary skills, and identifying the sequence of events.

o   Tool #1:
a.       The Ruby Bridges movie that was released in 1994.
b.      I would use this video towards the end of the lesson. Being that it evokes so many emotional responses I would use it before the students are scheduled to play they corners game.
c.       Initially I would want to use the video as an activity for the whole class. However, depending on whether or not I had students with special needs, and depending on what their needs were, they video may not be used for the whole class. As I just stated it evokes several emotions and I would not want to agitate the students.
d.      Although this movie is twenty years old it still retells the story effectively and efficiently. I feel that it is a great way to “bring home” the story of Ruby Bridges. Plus movies are a great attention grabber for students at the elementary level, and all levels for that matter.  

o   Tool #2:
a.       MyScript Memo app used for note taking on iPads.
b.      Being that I plan to incorporate a test to the assessments portion of the lesson, I would prompt students to take notes using this app during the movie. I would give a few guiding questions but I would strongly urge them to make a note of anything they think is important.
c.       This app would be used for the whole class. Students that need more help than others using the iPad or the app would simply be given the help they need.
d.      I like this app because it is not keyboard-based, therefore students will still be able to practice their handwriting skills.

o   Tool #3:
a.       The Feelings Game on the website.
b.      While most of the students are playing the corners game, other students will partner up to play this online identification game.
c.       This tool would be primarily used for students below grade level, or students with special needs. The idea is to pair these students with students that are at or above grade level to play this game and relate the feelings to how Ruby Bridges felt throughout her journey. This way all students will still actively participate in peer-to-peer discussion at a level that’s engaging to them.

o   Tool #4:
a.       There were several learning tools that I could be useful from the SMARTnotebook software. The two tools that stuck out the most were: the traffic light template that could be used throughout the lesson to make sure all of the students are comprehending everything we’ve discussed/learned so far and the sequence of events template that could be used to arrange the order things occurred in the story.
b.      I think that having a PowerPoint to refer back to throughout the lesson would be helpful to keep things organized, and to keep track of our progress. The traffic light signals could appear in random places throughout the text to check student’s comprehension level. I could also use a physical laminated copy of the template to hold up during class activities if I feel students are off task or confused. The sequence of events template could be used to check students understanding of the story. Being that a traditional test will be incorporated in the lesson I feel that it is strongly important to review what we’ve learned throughout the lesson. This tool could be used in a quiz format or as a class discussion/activity.
c.       These tools would be used for the whole class.
d.      There were several other learning aides on the site but these two were appealing to the eye.

o   Tool #5:
a.       Using the Inspiration software would be a great way to master the who, what, when, where, and how content of the lesson. Instead of using the Anchor chart we would take a more digital approach by making our own authentic class chart. The chart could then be used as a basic study tool for the students.
b.      This tool could be used after the reading of the story, and added to in extended detail as we watch the movie and complete other activities.

c.       This tool would be for the whole class.

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