Monday, February 10, 2014

Milestone 1 Integrated Lesson

1 1.  Give a brief summary of the lesson and web address.
The title of the lesson plan I chose is: Listening Comprehension Read Aloud-Who Was Ruby Bridges? During this lesson students will be read to aloud. They will work on comprehension skills, vocabulary skills, and sequence of events. After working on these skills students will group up based on which students describe Ruby Bridges similarly using one word, and discuss why they choice this particular word. There are also writing assignments attached to this lesson plan to awaken student’s imagination.

2   2.    Where does the lesson fit on Bloom’s taxonomy? This lesson fits under the comprehension stage of Bloom’s taxonomy because the students are summarizing and discussing the story and their feelings.

3  3.  What role does technology play? What is the teacher using? What are the students using? Technology doesn’t play a major role in this lesson. Teachers are promoted to show the Ruby Bridges movie; this could be done using a smart board, or television set. There is no technology for students to use.

4. After reading chapter 4-what digital tool (s) could you add to the lesson to support student learning? Explain in depth where and how it would be used. I think a virtual field trip in relation to this lesson would be great for students to experience. Allowing students to type some of the responses, instead of writing them would also be a way to incorporate technology into the lesson. 

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