Thursday, January 23, 2014

Blog Post #1

1. What technologies were used when you were a student? How were they used?

  • o   Computers were the most common type of technology used when I was a young student. They were typically used to take accelerated reading test, and to play informational/curriculum-based games.
  • o   Overhead projectors were also used often. They were used during instruction time as a teaching tool. Some teachers also promoted participation by allowing the students to use them.  

2. How were technology related skills taught to you? What was emphasized?

  • o   The one thing that I really remember in elementary school is the teachers making us log onto the computers ourselves instead of doing it for us. Even if we couldn't get it after so many tries they would just make sure we had the right log in information wrote down.
  • o   They stressed how important it was to become familiar with using computers because it would be used more as we got older. Completing assignments online became more common in middle school.
  • o   And by the time I reached 9th grade there was a technology course in place. We took typing tests, as well as paper test about our knowledge of the keyboard and shortcuts. We also learned about properly restarting computers, and keeping them clean. Everything was always hands on, it may have been demonstrated a time or two but it was vital to learn from experience.
  • o   It was also important to use safety rules and guidelines like: no liquids near the computers or making sure your hands were dry before plugging/unplugging equipment.

3. What skills and knowledge do you already possess to help you effectively integrate technology into instruction?

  • o   I've had some experience creating a teacher webpage, and it made it clearer that parents having access to the classroom schedule and assignments is very helpful. It gives the parents the opportunity to work on special projects and assignments with their children beforehand if they would like.
  • o   I've also witnessed children working on the Promethean bored, and I found that using these kinds of tools really motivate the children to participate in learning.
  • o   I’m very comfortable with using programs such as Microsoft Word Documents and PowerPoint, which could both be used as effective teaching tools.
  • o   I also believe that experience is the best teacher so I know that I want the children in my classroom to have access to technology (computers, laptops, i Pads, Kindles).

4. What skills and knowledge do you hope to learn in this class?

  • From this class I hope to gain more skills and knowledge about technology that will be useful in the classroom. I know that the world is constantly changing, and with all of the new gadgets being invented it’s important to stay familiar with the “new stuff” to be able to best adapt to the children.